Local Gatherings
This page lists the contact person for any state, city, or area DoDDS activity that currently meets and is open to folks in that particular area. For instance, we have a Colorado reunion twice a year and a Colorado Springs reunion as well. If your area has (or would like to start) a local connection, we would like to publish your contact person’s information in our updates on our website/newsletter. Our hope is that we can facilitate folks getting in touch with each other within their local areas. Listed below are the ones we have information on thus far. If you have a DoDDS group meeting locally, please send information for the contact person and the location your group encompasses. Send to [email protected].
Annapolis/N. VA,MD, DC Contact: Emma Smith [email protected]
Colorado-Wide Contact: Lynda Piazzoni [email protected]
Colorado Springs Contact: Lynda Piazzoni [email protected]
Delaware/Maryland Contact: Rebecca Dunn [email protected]
DoDDS Suncoast, FL Contact: Rex Burgett [email protected]
New Mexico Contact: Betty Follett [email protected]
Oregon Contact: Evelyn Rubel [email protected]
Seattle Area Contact: Ann Rae Peterson [email protected]
Tuscon, AZ area Contact: Jacque Taton Saunders [email protected]
Annapolis/N. VA,MD, DC Contact: Emma Smith [email protected]
Colorado-Wide Contact: Lynda Piazzoni [email protected]
Colorado Springs Contact: Lynda Piazzoni [email protected]
Delaware/Maryland Contact: Rebecca Dunn [email protected]
DoDDS Suncoast, FL Contact: Rex Burgett [email protected]
New Mexico Contact: Betty Follett [email protected]
Oregon Contact: Evelyn Rubel [email protected]
Seattle Area Contact: Ann Rae Peterson [email protected]
Tuscon, AZ area Contact: Jacque Taton Saunders [email protected]